Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Fun

10 Choices
1. Love or lust:- - Love
2. liquor or beer - - beer
3. Cats or Dogs - both
4. A few best friends or lots of close friends?-- I love friends, the real ones ;)
5. PC or Laptop -- both, what would i ever do without one?
6. Friends or Family -- Love
7. Wild night out or romantic night in -- in, in in.
8. Money or Happiness -- both please, is that possible? Sure it is!
10. IM or phone -- IM

10 Have You Evers?
1. Been caught sneaking out -- Are you kidding, almost on a nightly basis! (when I was a teen)
2. Purposely hurt someone -- I'm sure.
3. Done something you regret -- lots
4. Bungee jumped -- never, and never will
5. Been so embarrassed that you actually cried -- yes, 5th grade - I worked my butt off on coloring this contry map. My teacher held it up in front of everybody and said "this is what I DON'T want to see!" I ran all the way home in tears. The school called my mom about 3 hours later to tell her I was missing. She told them to jump off a cliff. Thanks, mom, Love you!
6. Skinny Dipped -- nope
7. Gotten stuck in an elevator -- yes, at the SL airport when I was 5 or so. It's glass and people were so mad! I just watched them yelling at me. I'd hit the stop button or something. oops!
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back -- yes, what was I thinking! Obviuosly I wasn't!
9. Cried because you lost a pet -- Yes, yes yes! I cry when I hear of other people losing pets
10. Wanted to disappear -- Yes.

10 Preferences In A Partner
1. Smile or eyes-- I prefer they have both
2. Light or dark hair -- Red
3. Hugs or kisses -- BOTH!!!!
4. Shorter or taller -- I wont date anyone shorter than me. Its a deal breaker.
5. Intelligence or attraction -- intelligence is attractive
6. Romantic or spontaneous -- A Romantic Spontaneous guy! haha
7. Funny or serious -- laid back, easy goin
8. Older or Younger -- mine is older
9. Outgoing or quiet -- Outgoing, knows when to be quiet
10. Sweet or Bad -- sweet

10 Lasts
1. Last person you were on the phone with -- Husby
2. Last time you went out to lunch -- Yesterday, with one of my bestests!!
3. Last person you hung out with -- Heather yesterday, husby last night
4. Last time you worked -- at work - 15 min ago or so
5. Last person you tackled -- hmmm. not sure that's ever happened.
6. Last person you IM'd -- Admin
7. Last person you texted? -- Husby
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Husby
9. Last person you shared a bed with -- Husby, do kitties count?
10. Last person you were in a car with -- Heather

10 Are You's?
1. Missing someone right now? -- yep
2. Happy? - Yes!
3. Talking to anyone right now? -- Nope
4. Bored? - - no
5. German? - - no
6. Swedish? - - Norwegian
7. French? - - No
8. Italian? - - nope
9.Your parents still married? - - not for a long time - for the better
10. In love with someone right now? -- Of course!

10 Minutes
1. Thinking about? -- lots of things
2. Are you eating? -- just got done with a bananna
3. What are you listening to? -- slackers goofing around
4. What were you doing an hour ago? answering emails
5. What are you wearing? -- cute stuff today! :)
6. Are you cold? - - nope, heater under my desk is turned up to 74
7. Are you excited? -- yes
8. Are you upset? -- kinda
9. What is your current mood?-- meh
10. Is anyone going to reply? -- I'm no psychic

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