Friday, April 3, 2009

No More Homeless Pets in Utah.

Please care enough...

If you want to know the answer to pet overpopulation just A.S.K.

A= Adopt from a shelter or a rescue group ( do not buy from a breeder or pet store,

S=Spay your pet (every animal unspayed animals contributes to this tragedy, even if you find homes for the is the concept called supply and demand), and

K= Keep your pet for its lifetime (pets are living creatures and will likely pose some challenges along the way...and like children, with a little effort and love most challenges can be overcome).

P.S. I just got my new No More Homeless Pets license plates, I was going to post a pic, but then I'd be subject to trouble and I don't like trouble. If this was an honest world, I would tell you all about them - I wish I could. I hope you get to see them. I really love them... and they love me! :) Happy Friday

1 had something to say:

Amanda said...

I so wish we could have pets :(. I miss Brianna every day and would love to get both a kitty and the girls really want a puppy.

So instead Kia and Rocky are "their dogs" that's what Emi tells everyone. Our landlord was over here the other day fixing our water heater and she was telling him all about you and Jeff and "her dogs".