Monday, May 25, 2009

100th post! - Bingham Copper Mine (Kennecott)

Yesterday, Jeff and I decided to take a trip to the Copper Mine. We can't believe we've never done this trip, it's only about 15 minutes from our house and is very inexpensive at only $5.00 per car. I have to admit that it made us realize that we are destroying our planet just because we can. Sure, everything they pull from those mountains makes our lives simpler, for example, building supplies for our home, including roofing, counter tops, mirrors, insulation, electrical wires, fixtures. Also, personal hygiene items are made with the many minerals including, deodorant, and all kinds of makeup and shampoo. I have mixed emotions about what they are doing up there. I love all of the conveniences in my life that would be impossible without mining, but on the other hand, it's just horrible to see them destroy our beautiful planet. We did get to see some deer, even one buck who was just starting to grow his antlers. :) Take a look at our geeky pics. Enjoy. :)

Cool old letters...

6 had something to say:

Jeffrey said...

Way cool I cant believe how big that pit is. I have lived here 23 years and never been up there, only looked at it from the valley. If you have not been you really need to make a trip, its amazing!

Elise said...

23 years? don't you mean 33 years? hahaha. :) Love ya.

Jeffrey said...

Oh yea, my bad 33 years!

Amanda said...

I've been wanting to go up there since we moved here. Maybe I can convince Ron that it would be fun for the girls to go.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about that matter. Thanks for posting that material.
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