Wednesday, February 10, 2010

KOREA day 3

I can't sleep in this time zone! It is hard to adjust to an 8 hour difference- im living in the future! :)

Day 3 we worked for the first day, well i guess not really worked, because the program wasn't fomratted right and we weren't able to complete ANY work at all!!

Jerica and I had to walk about 3 miles in our business suits (we looked amazing!) through the Coex Mall to get Korean keyboards.

After sitting around all day and scrambling to figure out what we were doing, we called it a day. :)

It's been very foggy and rainy here, today it cleared up a little bit and we were able to see a bit more of the country, its HUGE!!

We all went to a little bar called Billy's68.

3 had something to say:

Soontobemoser said...

What a great experience you are getting! I am jealous! Keep the pics coming!

Soontobemoser said...
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Amanda said...

It's funny how most cities could be anywhere and are pretty generic looking.

I love all the pictures though :)