Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rocky Lane

What a scary roller coaster of a weekend for us! Friday evening, Rocky and Kaia were running and playing in the front yard as usual, when out of nowhere, Rocky fell on his back and started crying! Jeff rushed him to the Pet ER at Cottonwood Animal Hospital where we were told that Rocky is paralyzed. OMG! I know! So hard to take in and accept. Poor Rock! We went home that evening and started researching all of the possibilities and reading blogs from other people who had gone through this same thing. Saturday morning came and we decided to have an MRI done at the U. The MRI confirmed that he had Canine Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/ClientED/ivd.aspx The disease is most commonly seen in little dogs, like Dachshunds and beagles.
We were relieved to find out what it was and that surgery could fix it. The surgery would release the pinching on his spinal cord which was causing the paralysis. Rocky went in for emergency back surgery Saturday night at 10:30 p.m. The surgery was completed by 1 a.m. The pics above are as of last night, we are so happy to say that he is recovering quickly and is in high spirits! Rocky will go through some intense therapy to re-train him how to walk. http://www.k-9rehab.com/techniques.html We can start this as soon as his stitches are out, hopefully within the next week or so.
Thank you all for your love and support and most of all your prayers for our family during this time.

3 had something to say:

Unknown said...


Amanda said...

We love you Rocky!!!

Meg said...

We love you Rocky!
We hope you get better really quick...your AWESOME!!!