Friday, February 12, 2010

Korea Feb 12th

Today has been EXTREMELY long, tense and frustrating!!!

I've had about 3 breakdowns and contemplated quitting my job more than once today. We worked 13 hours straight, and actually some of the group is still working. Most of us worked through the day without a lunch break.

It feels like I imagine a sweat shop to be.

We had to be out of the meeting rooms here in the hotel at 5:00PM, so we continued to work in our rooms, WITH the distributors. Distributors in my room, in my bathroom, POOPING in my toilet-stinking up my room -literally.

One of the distributors started singing "Let's Get Physical" to me... WTF!

Housekeeping should be coming any minute to clean my room before I go to bed.

I think I'm getting sick, my throat is sore and I'm exhausted.

1 had something to say:

Amanda said...

Just breathe! You can do it, you're just out of your element and your comfort zones.

Get some sleep and try to relax a little bit!