Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tag! Jeff's it! hahaha

So Shaelene tagged me, but Jeff has volunteered to let me get his answers for it. This is me typing but Jeff talking starting.... now!

8 things I am passionate about:
1- my wife
2- my family
3- my animals
4- my house plants and my fish
5- shooting at the archery course
6- being "green"
7- my friends
8- bow hunting

8 words or phrases I use often:
1- What!?!?
2- Hullo?
3- avoid the presence of all evil
4- measure twice cut once
5- to each his own
6- later..
7- Have a good day
8- Is what it is is

8 things I have learned from the past:
1- dont lie, dont cheat, dont steal
2- what goes around, comes around..here
3- trust your gut
4- good things come to those who wait
5- everything happens for a reason
6- patience is a virtue
7- don't over commit yourself
8- always be honest

8 places I want to go to or see:
1- Amsterdam
2- Oregon
3- Washington
4- British Columbia.. bc
5- Humboldt County
6- New Zealand
7- Paul Bunion's wood pile
8- home

8 things I currently need or want:
1- ride my CR500
2- new socks
3- retire NOW
4- finish remodeling my house
5- open my garage door business
6- Rocky to live forever
7- hmm.. i dont know

I tag... Jodi, Karrie, Jill, Lindsay Lane, Amanda.

4 had something to say:

WRYUN said...

Aww, gotta love the Jeffie! Good post, Always fun to learn something new about everyone isn't it? Guess I better start thinking of some good answers....

Amanda said...

Well, he forgot to put Yay Yuh, in his most frequently said things.

Shae said...

I love it! You guys kill me! I miss you guys so much! I hope all is well!

WRYUN said...

SO ... Jilly didn't think of good answers!

Here is her TAG!
